• Darkest Hour* Prologue-
    Saturday, 18. April 2015 23:03 o'clock
    –Prologue– So Darkest Hour starts out in normal V.C. Andrews style, with our heroine (presumably an old woman) thinking about her life.  She says that she had always seen herself as a Cinderella but instead of a prince she gets a business man who won her in a poker game.  (Holy spoiler Batman!! O.o)  She […]
  • Why V.C. Andrews you ask?
    Thursday, 16. April 2015 05:54 o'clock
    I was 12 years old the first time I picked up a V.C. Andrews book.  My mother, a fan herself, let me start with the Wildflowers series and from there an obsession began.  These books were the first that really transported me to a different place.  I went back and read through every book that […]